Channel Parameters

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Below you can see the list of parameters that are available to choose next to the "Channel's" option in a condition body.




Consecutive Wins

The latest number of times you have won money in the channel, without losing in between. The games where you had neither profit nor loss are ignored. For example, if a win/lose sequence looks like this:

L, L, W, W, L, W, W, W

Then the number of consecutive wins will be 3.

Consecutive Losses

The latest number of times you have lost money in the channel, without losing in between. The games where you had neither profit nor loss are ignored. For example, if a win/lose sequence looks like this:

L, W, W, W, L, W, L, L

Then the number of consecutive losses will be 2.

Previous P/L

The amount you won or lost in the last game. Can be zero, positive or negative. If you did not place any bets in the previous game, this number will be zero.

Last Won/Lost

The non-zero amount you won or lost in the last game where you placed bets. This option is different from the previous one, because it does not remember the games where no money was won or lost. So if you lost 5 EUR, then had 3 games without any bets, then this value will still be equal to -5.

Last Won (since the loss)

The amount you have won since the last loss (or since the start of the session). This value shows the latest total profit you have gained in a row. The games where you neither won nor lost are ignored. Once you lost, this value is reset to zero. Example:


Game 1: -4

Game 2: +5

Game 3: +10.5

Game 4: 0.0


Last won since the loss = 15.5

Last Lost (since the win)

The amount you have lost since the last loss (or since the start of the session). This value shows the latest total loss you have been exposed to in a row. The games where you neither won nor lost are ignored. Once you won, this value is reset to zero. Example:


Game 1: +12

Game 2: 0.0

Game 3: +1.8

Game 4: -2


Last lost since the win = -2

Wins during ... games

The total number of games that ended up in profit during the last [x] games, where [x] is the number you'll enter in a special field. This value counts all wins regardless of the losses or zero games that took place in between. Example:


W, L, Z, Z, W, L, L, W


Wins during 8 games = 3.


If the number of games you enter is greater than the actual games that took place since the start of the session, the value returned will consider all the games that were recorded.

For example, in the sequence above there are only 8 games. So if you want to know "Wins during 10 games", the program will still return 3.

If the number of games that took place is greater than the number you entered, the program will take the last [x] games out of all that have been played.

Losses during ... games

The total number of games that ended up in loss during the last [x] games, where [x] is the number you'll enter in a special field. This option works in the same way as the previous one, only it counts losses (the games where you lost money).


The value of the commission that BetFair will take for the amount you win in the game. From 1 to 100. The commission is evaluated for the market type ("Main Bets" or "Side Bets") that the trigger is to be executed in. If "Main and Side" is selected, then the commission will be evaluated twice: fist for main bets then for side bets.

Default Back Amount

The default and one-click amounts used for backing and laying in the channel.


Default Lay Amount


Test Mode

If Test Mode is on for this channel, this will return 1, otherwise 0. Example:


Channel's Test Mode is equal to 1


Checks whether Test Mode is on.

Settled sels in Main Bets

The number of settled or eliminated selections in the "Main Bets" market of the channel.

Settled sels in Side Bets

The number of settled or eliminated selections in the "Side Bets" market of the channel. If a channel does not support side bets (such as Poker or Blackjack), then this will return 0.

Settled sels in current mkt

The number of settled or eliminated selections in the current market of the channel. The type of market is set in the "Channel" property of the trigger.


Win/Loss Sequence

The list of wins and losses that you have had in the channel since the start of the session. The list is a comma-separated piece of text, where "W" stands for a win and "L" - for a lose. For example:


W, W, L, W, W, L


You can analyze the sequence using only two options: "contain values" and "do not contain values". The first option checks if the pattern you'll specify matches the last bits of the sequence. The second option, accordingly, checks whether it does not match. For example:


Win/Lose Sequence contain values W, L, L


This checks whether you lost the previous two games and won the third game from the current one. Note: the sequence is analyzed from the end. So if the actual sequence is "W, L, L, W", then the above condition will not be met, as the last three bits are "L, L, W" and not "W, L, L".


Therefore even if the pattern you specified can be found inside the sequence, the condition may not be met, for the patterns must exactly match the end of the sequence.


Zero games (where you neither lost nor won) will be ignored. No other symbols can be entered.

Win/Loss/Zero Sequence

This option is similar to the previous one, only it takes into account zero games. Such games are labeled "Z". For example:


W, Z, Z, L, Z


This means: one win, two games without any profit or loss, then loss, then again a zero game.

Main Bets Market ID

The BetFair ID of the "Main Bets" market of the game. This number is assigned to each market in each game by BetFair server. It can be of interest to the users that may remember this ID in a user variable.

Side Bets Market ID

The BetFair ID of the "Side Bets" market of the game.

Last Settled Bet's Price

The price of the bet that was the last to be settled. This can be a bet from the previous game, a bet from a game that took place a certain time ago or a bet from the current game (for example, if you bet on "Card 1 or further" and it won, while the game still goes on).

Last Settled Bet's Amount

The amount of the last settled bet.

Last Settled Bet's P/L

The amount that was won or lost by the last settled bet. If the bet was lost, this amount will be negative.

Last Settled Bet's Type

The type (back or lay) of the last settled bet. The value returned will be 1 for a lay bet and 2 - for a back bet. If there were no settled bets yet, it'll be zero.


Channel's Last Settled Bet's Type is equal to 2


Checks if the last bet was a back one.

Number of sels that stood

The number of selections (or rather players) that have stood, i.e. their status is displayed as "Stood".

Total Won

The total amount of money you have won or lost since the start of the session or since you last reset this figure.