Exporting to Excel

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If you have Microsoft Excel installed you can easily export some game data from X-Feeder to an Excel spreadsheet. Just click on the button in the top of the main window:



A special file called "xfeeder.xlt" will be opened. It already contains all the necessary links to all five channels. Each channel is represented in a separate sheet named correspondingly. If you need to see the selections and figures of a particular channel, click on the "Start Channel" button. The title of the button will change to "Refresh Channel". This means you may press that button once again to refresh the list of selections, if you enabled or disabled "Main Bets" or "Side Bets" markets in Baccarat, HiLo or Omaha:




The card values are displayed as they are passed over from BetFair server. You can identify the meaning of each card value by using help materials offered by BetFair.


The figures in the sheets will keep changing as you monitor different games, at the same refresh rates as specified in the application.


If you want to create your own spreadsheet and pass the figures from X-Feeder to it, you can just copy the references of the appropriate cells from xfeeder.xlt into your document. The references are DDE links.

If you do not know what DDE technology is, you can also open the xfeeder.xlt file and edit it to meet your special needs. Then save it under the same name, and next time you press the "Excel" button X-Feeder will open the edited file, with all the changes you made to it.


Please be assured: you do not need to have MS Excel installed in order to run X-Feeder! This feature is optional!