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The "Action" parameter of the trigger defines what the trigger will do. This is a mandatory parameter. Depending on what action you'll choose for a trigger, different auxiliary options will become available.


Read here how triggers are executed.






price, amount, selections

Place back bets on the given selections, with each bet's parameters specified in the "Price" and "Amount" fields. Both price and amount can be a number, a trigger/user variable, a function or a combination of all.

If either price or amount contains an expression, then it will be evaluated separately for each selection that the trigger will bet on. Therefore, the value of price/amount can be different depending on the selection eligible for a bet.

If either price or amount are invalid (negative or out of the allowable range), the bet with these parameters won't be placed and the according log record will be created in the log file for this trigger.

Note: if you don't have sufficient funds for placing the bets, the trigger will still be considered "executed" after it makes an attempt to bet.


price, amount, selections

Place lay bets on the given selections, with each bet's parameters specified in the "Price" and "Amount" fields. The action works exactly as the previous one.

cancel back


Cancel all back unmatched bets that are placed on the selections.

cancel lay


Cancel all lay unmatched bets that are placed on the selections.

cancel all


Cancel all (back and lay) unmatched bets that are placed on the selections.

multiply default back amount by


Multiply the default back amount by the given value. This will change the size of the default and one-click back bet in the channel.

multiply default lay amount by


Multiply the default lay amount by the given value.  This will change the size of the default and one-click lay bet in the channel.

divide default back amount by


Divide the default back amount by the given value.

divide default lay amount by


Divide the default lay amount by the given value.

add to default back amount


Add the given value to the default back amount in the channel.

add to default lay amount


Add the given value to the default lay amount in the channel.

deduct from default back amount


Deduct the given value from the default back amount in the channel.

deduct from default lay amount


Deduct the given value from the default lay amount in the channel.

set default back amount to


Assign the given value to the default back amount in the channel.

set default lay amount to


Assign the given value to the default lay amount in the channel.

activate Auto-Greenup

Turn Auto-Greenup on.

deactivate Auto-Greenup

Turn Auto-Greenup off.

activate Auto-Dutching

back side / lay side

Turn Auto-Dutching of the specified type on.

deactivate Auto-Dutching

back side / lay side

Turn Auto-Dutching of the specified type off.

stop channel

Stop refreshing the channel altogether.

green up

minimum profit percentage, selections

Distribute the potential profit from the bets placed on the selection equally among all selections in the game. This is achieved by backing at a higher price than laying.

spread loss


Remove the potential loss that the selection is exposed to (make its P/L zero). This operation places a back bet on the given selection, and thus removes its loss by increasing the negative P/Ls of the other selections.

distribute loss


Distribute the potential loss from the bets placed on the selection equally among all selections in the game. Some part of this loss will still remain on the selection, but it will be much less than the loss it might generate if this bet is not placed.

reset Channel's Total Won

Set the Channel's "Total Won" figure (and accordingly the variable total_won) to zero.

reset Total Profit/Loss

Set the "Total Profit/Loss" figure (and accordingly the variable total_pl) to zero.

switch Test Mode ON

Enable Test Mode for the given channel.

switch Test Mode OFF

Disable Test Mode for the given channel.

switch Test Mode ON/OFF

If Test Mode was on, then turn it off. If it was off, then turn it on.

set user variable

name of the variable, value

Use this command to assign a value to a "user variable". If there is no variable with the name you'll specify, a new variable with that name will be created. If such variable already exists, its value will be overwritten.

The program will evaluate the expression that you will enter into the text field for "Value" and assign the result of this expression to the variable.

All variables are deleted after you close the program.

You must not use selection variables without an explicit reference to the selection in the "Value" field. For example, the following expression will not qualify as the value of the variable:

back_price * back_amount


But here are the examples of valid expressions:


s_1_back_price * s_1_back_amount

match_1_back_price * match_1_back_amount

h_1_back_price * h_1_back_amount


This requirement is easily explained: if the trigger's conditions were met by several selections, the program will not know which one of them exactly you are referring to.


You can monitor the values of your variables using the "View Variables" tool.


custom text

Email the details of the trigger if its conditions were met by at least one selection. The email will be sent to the address specified under "Email Notifications" in "General Options". The address and mail server must be valid and your mailbox must not filter out the address from which the message will arrive ([email protected]).


You can include more information in the email message by filling the "Custom Text" field of the trigger. You can put plain text (any words you choose) there, but also any trigger expressions or variables you want to know the value of.


To make X-Feeder evaluate the variables and/or trigger expressions, you need to enclose each variable or expression in square brackets. Example:


Hello! These are trigger variables: [s_1_back_price], [h_3_back_price], [s_1_bm_backa*s_1_bm_backp/s_1_bm_layp]


And what you might receive on your email is:


User text:

Hello! These are trigger variables: 1.67, 9.20, 9.76047904


X-Feeder supports emailing to Gmail and other TLS mail accounts.


Show a message box with the details of the trigger, if its conditions were satisfied by at least one selection. You will have to press an "OK" button to remove the message box, and until you do so the program won't do anything else.




transfer funds

direction, amount

You can transfer funds from and to your Games account using this trigger action. Just choose the direction of the transfer from the drop-down list (from games account or into games account) and specify the amount of the transfer.


Please note that you must have enough funds in the source account, otherwise the transfer will fail.


If at the moment of the trigger's execution the channel is in Test Mode, then the transfer will be completed in Test Mode as well, and vice versa.


The "Amount" field can contain numbers as well as variables and trigger expressions which will be evaluated just before the trigger is executed.

clear W/L/Z history

Clears all history of wins and losses in the given channel. In fact it restarts the history of betting, except that is doesn't clear account statement.