Selection Parameters

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Back Price

The best back price that is offered for the selection.

Lay Price

The best lay price that is offered for the selection.

Matched Back

The total amount of all matched back bets placed on the selection.

Matched Lay

The total amount of all matched lay bets placed on the selection.

Unmatched Back

The total amount of all unmatched back bets placed on the selection.

Unmatched Lay

The total amount of all unmatched lay bets placed on the selection.

Consecutive Wins

The number of times in a row the selection has been a winner (without losing or tying in between).

Consecutive Losses

The number of times in a row the selection has been a loser (without winning or tying in between).

Consecutive Wins or Ties

The number of times in a row the selection has been a winner or has tied with another selection (without losing in between).

Consecutive Losses or Ties

The number of times in a row the selection has been a loser or has tied with another selection (without winning in between).

Consecutive Ties

The number of times in a row the selection has tied (without winning or losing in between).


This option allows you to analyze the number and structure of the cards dealt to the selection. If you use it with "contain values" or "do not contain values" comparative expressions, it will check the particular values and suits of the cards that the selection holds.


Click here to read more.


If you use it with any other comparative expression (for example, "is equal to", "is greater than " etc.), the program will evaluate the number of cards that have been dealt. For example:


Selection's Cards is greater than 3


Check if 4 or more cards have been dealt to the selection.

Price in Round ...

The price the selection had in the specified round. You will enter the round value in a special text field. A round can be an integer number from 1 to 12. The program will remember the price that a selection had in the end of that round (before the game was suspended). If this round never takes place in a game, this option will return zero.

If you are requesting the price of the round that has not taken place yet (for example, it's round 1, and you want to know the price in round 4), then the price that the selection had in the previous game will be returned.


If the round has already finished in the current game (for example, you are in round 5 and requesting the price from round 1), then the price that the selection had in this game and in that round will be returned.

Previous Result

The result with which the selection has ended the previous game. It offers three options:

is Winner
is Loser
is Dead Heat


The P/L figure that the selection has at the moment. It can be zero, positive or negative.


If it is a multiple-winner market, then the left figure will be returned.



The number of points the selection is assigned (non handicap in Card Derby). This option is relevant only to Blackjack, Baccarat and Card Derby, and only to the following selections:


Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Dealer wins or ties all





Highest Card

The highest (by rank) card that has been dealt to the selection. If no cards have been dealt yet, the condition with this option will always return false.

Otherwise the program will analyze the value and suit of the highest card according to the condition you'll create. For example:


Selection's Highest Card is H


Check if the highest card's suit is hearts.


Selection's Highest Card is J>


Check if the highest card's value is Q or higher.


Read more details here.

Lowest Card

The lowest (by rank) card that has been dealt to the selection. This option works in the same way as the previous one.

Status in the game

The current status that the selection has in the game. It offers the following options:


is not settled
is winner
is loser
has tied
is "Stood"


In the beginning of the game all selections' results are "not settled". As the game goes on, some selections may become winners, losers or tie with other selections. Also, if no more cards will be dealt to a selection, its status will become "Stood".


The position the selection occupies in the list of all selections sorted by their price. The favourite has a rank value of 1, second favourite - 2 and so on. The probable loser (the selection with the highest price) has a rank value that is equal to the number of uneliminated selections.

If two or more selections have the same price, they are sorted according to their position in the original (BetFair's) order of selections.


For example:


Hand 1, 3.02, rank 1

Hand 2, 3.02, rank 2

Hand 3, 8.8, rank 4

Hand 4, 4.9, rank 3


If a selection gets eliminated, or its price becomes zero, its rank automatically increases:


Hand 1, 16.0, rank 2

Hand 2, eliminated, rank 3

Hand 3, 1.09, rank 1

Hand 3, eliminated, rank 4


Wins during ... games

The number of times the selection has been a winner during the last [x] games, where [x] is the number you must enter in a special field.

This value returns the total number of wins regardless of the possible losses or ties that might happen during the same period.



Winner, winner, loser, tie, loser, winner, tie


The number of wins during 7 games will be 3, during 6 games - 2, because the program counts from the latest settled game.

Losses during ... games

The number of times the selection has been a loser during the last [x] games. This option is similar to the previous one.

Ties during ... games

The number of times the selection has tied during the last [x] games. This option is similar to the previous two.

Index in the game

The position of the selection in the list of selections formed by BetFair for this game.

There is a default order in which BetFair lists the selections in a particular game. For example, in Baccarat it's:


Main bets:

1. Player

2. Banker

3. Tie


Side bets:

1. Pocket pair in any hand

2. Highest hand has nine

3. Highest hand is odd

4. Natural win

5. Natural tie


So "Player" and "Pocket pair in any hand" both have the index of 1, "Banker" and "Highest hand has nine" - 2 and so on.

This option gives you a convenient way to choose several particular selections if you know their names (and thus BetFair position). For example, to choose only Players and Dealer for a trigger working with a Blackjack game, set the trigger to be applied to "all matching selections", and add the following condition:


Any Selection's Index in the game is less than 6

Win/Lose/Tie Sequence

The list of the results the selection has had since the start of the session. Each result is lettered in the following way:

Selection was a winner - W

Selection was a loser - L

Selection tied - T

Selection was a winner or tied - X

Selection was a loser or tied - Y

Selection was a loser, winner or tied - Z


The latter option is used to substitute any possible result that the selection can finish the game with. Use it when you need to specify that the result in one or more games does not matter. For example:


Z, W, W, Z


This sequence means: the selection won the second and third previous game, regardless of what its result was in the previous game. It also stipulates that before having won those games the selection participated in at least one more game.


A sequence is a comma-separated list of the above letters. Example:

W, L, L, W, T


This means: won, lost, lost, won, tied. Another example:


X, Y, Y, L, W, T


This means: won or tied, lost or tied, lost or tied, lost, won, tied.


The only two comparative expressions that are available for this option are "contain values" and "do not contain values". The program will always compare the pattern you'll enter with the last bits of the sequence.


Therefore to find out if the selection has been a winner for the last 5 games and then lost you would need to add the following condition:


Selection's Win/Lose/Tie Sequence contain values W, W, W, W, W, L


If you want to check if the selection lost in the last 3 games or tied with another selections, and in the end won, here's the correct condition:


Selection's Win/Lose/Tie Sequence contain values Y, Y, Y, W

Handicap Points

The number of points that selection's handicap cards evaluate to, according to the rules of the game.

Handicap Cards

This option is similar to just "Cards", only it analyses the three handicap cards that "Card Derby" selections are dealt in the second round.

Previous Game Points

The number of points the selection had in the end of the previous game, in its last round when the game was settled.

This option applies to the first five players in Blackjack, Player and Banker in Baccarat and all four selections in "Card Derby".