Selection-related conditions evaluate the parameters or properties of some selections picked out according to a certain rule.
Any Selection's
This option works as a filter that verifies all selections in a game and picks only those that meet the specified criteria. The program will search for "any selection" that satisfies the given condition. It's as if you told the program: find any selection (at least one, but there may be more) that has the following properties. And the criteria for the properties is expressed by a condition parameter.
If there are several conditions starting with "Any Selection's" and combined with "AND", then only those that satisfy all the conditions will be chosen in the end. In that case only the first condition will start with "Any Selection's". Every next condition will start with "Fitting Selection's" emphasizing the fact that only those that "fit" the previous conditions will be eligible for verifying the next one. If a selection did not meet at least one previous condition, it will be skipped in all further conditions.
If there are several conditions starting with "Any Selection's" and combined with "OR", then the program will choose all selections that satisfy at least one condition. In this case it will start processing a condition for all the selections available in the game.
This option can only be used if you selected anything containing the word "matching" or "unmatching" as the "Selections" parameter for your trigger.
Use this option to check the properties and parameters of the selection you have chosen for the trigger's "Selections" property. If that selection (or several selections if "all except favourite" is chosen) does not satisfy the condition, the trigger won't be executed.
Unlike the previous option, this one does not make the program look for selections that meet the condition. Instead it just "answers the question" whether the selection is eligible for the trigger to be applied to it. If "yes", then the trigger will be executed, if "no" - it won't.
Any Other Selection's
As you can see from the name of the option, it looks for any (at least one) selection that is different from the trigger's "Selections", and then checks their properties. Thus if the trigger's selection is "favourite", then "any other selection" will be any non-favourite. Here are several more examples:
"Selections" = "Hand 1", any other selection = "Hand 2", "Hand 3" or "Hand 4"
"Selections" = "all except favourite", any other selection = favourite
"Selections" = "all matching selections", any other selection = any selection that does not fall into the list of matching selections. For instance, you are applying the following conditions to HiLo Main Bets:
Any Selection's Back Price is between 1.4 and 2.0
and Any Other Selection's Status in the game is winner
If, say, "Card 3 or further" and "Card 4 or further" fit into the price range specified in the first condition, then the second condition will be verified among any other selection. That is "Card 1", "Card 2", "Card 4", "Card 5" etc. for the first matching selection ("Card 3 or further") and "Card 1", "Card 2", "Card 3", "Card 5" etc. for the second matching selection. You can see that "other selections" are determined for each trigger selection individually. That is, if "Card 4 or further", being "other" as compared to "Card 3 or further", meets the condition, "Card 3 or further" will pass on to the next condition.
If there are several mixed conditions of the following kind:
1. Any Selection's ...
2. and Any Other Selection's ...
3. and Fitting Selection's ...
4. and Any Other Selection's...
then the program will process each condition separately, taking different "other" selections each time, depending on which selections were qualified as "matching".
1. Any Selection's Back Price is less than 5.0
2. and Any Other Selection's Consecutive Wins is greater than 0
3. and Fitting Selection's Consecutive Losses is greater than 0
4. and Any Other Selection's Highest Card is less than A
Back Price
Consecutive Wins
Consecutive Losses
Highest Card
Hand 1
Hand 2
Hand 3
Hand 4
After the first condition the "matching selections" will be "Hand 3" and "Hand 4", because their prices are less than 5.0.
In the second condition the program will take each matching selection and verify its "other selections" separately:
For "Hand 3" other selections are "Hand 1", "Hand 2", "Hand 4". "Hand 4"'s consecutive wins are equal to 1, therefore Hand 4 meets the condition. Thus for "Hand 3" at least one other selection meets the condition, so "Hand 3" will pass on to condition 3.
For "Hand 4" other selections are "Hand 1", "Hand 2", "Hand 3". But neither of them satisfies the second condition. Therefore, "Hand 4" should drop out.
In the third condition only one selection is among matching ones: "Hand 3". It does meet the third condition, because its consecutive losses are > 0.
In the fourth condition the program will look for "other selections" as compared to "Hand 3". If any of them meets the criteria, then "Hand 3" will be the one that the trigger will be applied to. Out of the three "other" selections ("Hand 1", "Hand 2", "Hand 4") only "Hand 4" has the highest card less than A. But still this enables "Hand 3" to pass the fourth condition.
All Other Selections'
This option is similar to the previous one, only it requires all other selections to satisfy the condition. If at least one does not, then the trigger will not be applied to the original selection.
For example:
1. Any Selection's Cards do not contain values 8
2. and All Other Selections' Back Price is less than 5.0
Back Price
Hand 1
3, 9
Hand 2
5, 8
Hand 3
10, 2
Hand 4
8, Q
The first condition will pick out "Hand 1" and "Hand 3", because other two selections have 8 in their cards.
The second condition will first check "Hand 2", "Hand 3" and "Hand 4" (as they are "other" for "Hand 1"). But "Hand 2"'s price is higher than 5.78. So "Hand 1" does not qualify, because not all of its other selections meet the criteria.
When the program checks other selections for "Hand 3" ("Hand 1", "Hand 2", "Hand 4"), it will turn out that it does not fit either, because "Hand 2" is also among its "other" selections.
So in the end there will be no selections that matched these conditions.
The option checks whether the selection with the lowest price satisfies the condition. The actual "Selections" field of the trigger may be different from "favourite". For example, you may want to lay on the probable loser provided that the favourite is priced higher than 2.0. In that case you'll set "Selections" to "probable loser" and add the following condition:
Favourite's Back Price is greater than 2.0
Probable Loser's
Checks the properties of the highest priced selection in the game. The option is similar to the previous one by the way it operates with selections.
Every Selection's
This option checks the condition for each selection in the game, regardless of the value of the "Selections" parameter. If at least one selection does not satisfy this condition, it will return false.
For example, you want to back on any selection priced below 1.8, but only if neither of selections in the game (including the one you are betting on) have an Ace in their cards.
You will need to set the trigger's "Selections" to "all matching selections". Then add the following conditions:
Any Selection's Back Price is less than 1.8
and Every Selection's Cards do not contain values A